Function Command search / or ? search specific content /\ searches for only the word 'media' on its own go to Line :45 (goes to line 45) go to bottom of page Shift + g go to top of page gg change background :set background=dark go to beginning of line ^ go to the end of line $ insert mode i append mode a delete char and insert mode s delete char x delete multiple char's 5x (deletes 5 char's) undo u redo ctrl + r increment number ctrl + a decrement number ctrl + x copy line yy copy multiple lines 10yy (copies 10 lines into buffer) paste line p paste multiple lines 7p (pastes buffer 7 times) cut line dd cut multiple lines 3dd (cuts 3 lines into buffer) Visual mode v (now you can move arrow keyes to select text, then run desired function) make lowercase u (in visual mode) make uppercase U (in visual mode) Visual Line Mode shift + v (now you can only use up and down arrow key) Visual Block Mode ctrl + v (now you can only select blocks with the arrow keys) substitute (on current line) :s/a/b/g (replace 'a' with 'b' globally on current line) Comment line with substitute :s/^/# (useful with visual mode selection) Substitution on entire document :%s/a/b/g (replace all 'a' with 'b') write to file :w write and quit :wq quit :q quit without saving :q! force write :w! (even read-only files that are modified by permitted users) force write and quit :wq! (even read-only files that are modified by permitted users) new line o show line numbers :set number OR :set nu hide line numbers :set nonumber OR :set nonu set c indent :set cindent unset c indent :set nocindent set auto indent :set autoindent unset auto indent :set noautoindent set smart indent :set smartindent unset smart indent :set usmartindent set paste mode :set paste unset paste mode :set nopaste Indent line shift + >> OR go to visual mode --> v + shift + > Indent multiple lines 5 + shift + >> OR go to visual mode --> v + 5 + shift + > Unindent line shift + << OR go to visual mode --> v + shift + < Unindent multiple lines 5 + shift + << OR go to visual mode --> v + 5 + shift + < Set shift width :set shiftwidth=3 set expandtab :set expandtab set tabstop :set tabstop=4 auto tab == auto tab - visual mode v + = set mouse :set mouse=a unset mouse :set mouse= Switch between brackets (braces) on a brace - % Ignore case :set ignorecase Don't Ignore case :set noignorecase next file :next OR :n goes to next file in buffer list files in buffer :buffer go to specific file :e filename horizontally split screen :split vertically split screen :vsplit navigate next screen ctrl + ww navigate any screen ctrl + w arrowkey General Help screen :help Help on specific command :help buffer searches the help for the buffer command Run command line command :r!uname -a executes the command 'uname -a' and pastes the output Run command line command on selection v + :!command vimdiff vimdiff Vim website: